A conversation between God and Man

A tender whisper, I hear,
Intently I strain to listen
Faintly I hear:

I know and have called you by name;
Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you. 
I am He that created you
I saw your unformed substance and weaved you with great care.
Before the foundation of the world was laid, I chose you to be mine
I have prepared good works for you to walk in.
Sin separated you from me, but in my great love, I sent my Beloved to restore you.
Now I long to dwell in you, become one with you that we’ll be together for eternity.
You may be wondering how is all of this possible. I know it sounds unbelievable, but I need you to trust me. I got this. One more thing, my name is I AM THAT I AM.

Ah, that name sounds familiar; could it be who I think it is?
Yes, it is. I have just heard from the One that created all things. Who am I that He would take the time to speak to me? 
He called me by name and told me He chose me from the foundation of the world. 
That is too wonderful for me to comprehend. Oh, my heart leaps within me for joy.
However, I am a wretched man. All I have done is rebel against Him. Woe is me, who will deliver me from my wretchedness. 
Ah, I remember He mentioned that sin separated me from Him, but He sent His beloved to restore me. He did not stop there. He said he wanted to dwell in me. Could this be true? It sounds too good. I also remember he said it might sound unbelievable, and all I need is to trust in Him. Oh, Lord, I trust in you. Come into my heart in all your fullness to dwell. 
What does this mean for the life I now live? Did he not say He has prepared good works for me to walk in? Yes, He did!
Oh Lord, what are the good works you have prepared for me? I long to walk in them!!

I have called you to proclaim the good news to the poor, to bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and my day of vengeance; to comfort all who mourn, to grant to those who mourn beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment to praise instead of a faint Spirit. Will you answer the call?

Yes, I will. All I need is your strength. For this is more than I can do.

Oh, my heart rejoices for your answer. Fret not. Remember I said I got this? I have made available all the provisions that you need.

Oh, you did! Forgive me for worrying. I rest it all in your hands, and I’m ready at your command!! 


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