Filled with the Holy Spirit

And with that, he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. ~ John 20:22

As we anticipate revival in this generation (we sure need one), one of our main prayers as Christians has become this: Lord, fill us with the Holy Spirit. We believe the answer to this prayer is manifesting the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but this is not the complete truth revealed in the word of God. By their fruit, you shall know them, not by their gift (Matthew 7:1-20). If it was so, then John the Baptist was not full of the Holy Spirit because the Bible recorded that he performed no sign (John 10:41), but far from it, the same Bible stated that he was full of the Holy Spirit from his mother’s womb (Luke 1:15). I believe this is the primary reason we have not had this prayer answered in its entirety yet, as we want to use the Holy Spirit for our pleasure. Like James said to the twelve tribes dispersed: You ask and, do not receive; because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasure (James 4:3).

Most of us want the Acts 1:8 experience but readily skip the John 20:22 experience. We want the power but do not want to be purified. Do not be deceived, the Holy Spirit will not descend upon an unholy vessel. He is called the "Holy" Spirit for a reason. Like the dove Noah sent out from the ark returned to the ark because it could find no place to rest its feet, the same way the Holy Spirit will not rest upon us because we do not allow Him to purify us.

The Bible says, Jesus after baptism and filled with the Holy Spirit, was immediately led to the wilderness, where he spent forty days and forty nights tempted by the devil. I believe this was a period of purification/preparation, not that he needed to be purified/prepared but to set a path for us to follow. After completion of these forty days, Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit, ready to proclaim the gospel and bring about the greatest revolution the world has ever known. I believe in the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but I am convinced that manifesting it without the workings which yield the fruit will only lead to destruction. I would rather possess the fruit of the Holy Spirit and manifest none of the gifts, but it is even better to show forth the fruit and manifest the gifts of the Holy Spirit (because it as the Holy Spirit wills)!

Do you want to be full of the Holy Spirit? Are you ready to lose ownership of your life? Are you willing to be told what you must do at all times? Are you ready to be driven to the wilderness? Are you willing to cancel that next vacation trip you planned and spend the time instead shut in with God? Are you ready to desert that close friendship to embrace a life of separation? An affirmative answer to these questions is necessary before becoming full of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to work in us as much as He wants to work through us. Never think for once that because you manifest some/all gifts of the Holy Spirit, you are full of the Holy Spirit just like you couldn’t call yourself an English citizen because you speak English. The Holy Spirit is not looking for a partnership. He is looking for ownership and, nothing less than that will do!!

If you are persuaded you want to be full of the Holy Spirit, makes this hymn from L.F.W Woodford your prayer and, I believe in God's right time you will be full of the Holy Spirit:

Burn, fire of God! my ransomed soul possessing;
Pure fire Thou art, and I would dwell in Thee.
Light of my life, true source of every blessing,
Grant all my days one holy flame to be.

Burn, fire of God! Thy grace and glory knowing,
My cleansèd heart shall be all fire within—
Love all constraining, tenderness o'erflowing,
One kindling passion other lives to win.

Burn, fire of God! Thy cloven tongue bestowing,
Baptizing me with heavenly energy.
Touched with live coals from off Thine altar glowing,
My purgèd lips shall speak alone of Thee.

Burn, fire of God! with seven-fold refining,
Till, mirrored from my deeps Thine eyes shall see
In purest gold Thy perfect image shining:
Thy Christ revealed in clear irradiancy.

Burn, fire of God! by Thine own love transcending,
Let all I hold be Thine, and Thine alone—
Heart, mind and will a sacrifice ascending,
Consumed by fire from out Thy fiery Throne.


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