
Showing posts from August, 2022

The prayer of the righteous

  Glory to the Lord God Most High, the creator of the Heaven and earth. O perfect Father in Heaven, we thank you for your ever loving compassion towards us, you children. We draw towards your word today to draw the living water. Fill our hearts O Lord with your living water that will flow into eternity. We pray for those that do not have the access to your word as of now, that in your mercy you will send you word to them and if it pleases you, make us instruments to get the word across to them. We pray these all in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. ~ James 5:16b I am convinced that in this generation, little or no one truly prays as we ought, to the extent that prayer has almost lost its potency. It has become just one of those phrases we use: I will pray about it when in reality, you probably do not mean it. We have directed all our attention to other things aside from praying. Our society has co...

Walk before me

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. ~ Genesis 17:1 Today we have one of the commands in the scripture that sets out the expectation of God from every believer, not just Abraham, who received it firsthand. Though it is a simple command, it is tough to fulfill because of the nature of our flesh but blessed be the name of the Lord that in the command itself, He provides the resource to carry it out. Let us examine this verse and see what the Lord will reveal. This verse came 13 years after Hagar bore Ishmael to Abraham. Ishmael resulted from Abraham and Sarah trying to help God fulfill the promise He made to them. At this point, Abraham had stopped believing in God for the promised child, convinced that it was Ishmael, but this was not God’s plan. Despite this mistake, God appeared to Abraham to rekindle his faith and entered into a covenant with him. Oh, wh...