The cost of Discipleship
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. ~ Matthew 16:24 Becoming a disciple of a school of thought or a master means letting go of your way of thinking or living to adopt another’s. That can be easy or difficult depending on your natural inclinations before coming across the school of thought or master. However, there is discipleship that will cost everyone that decides to follow because it is against our natural inclinations. Let us examine the invitation to become a disciple of Christ and the cost required. From the text for this session, the first thing to notice is that the invitation to follow Christ is open to your personal choice. Jesus says: “if any man would come after me.” in other words, you can decide not to come after him. Therefore becoming a disciple of Christ is not something you stumble across it is a conscious decision you make. If you call yourself a disciple of Christ because someone ...